Archive for the ‘Keeper’s Diary’ Category

  • Day of the Beast Keeper’s Diary 04

    This installment covers Chapter 6 (“Castle Dark”) of the campaign, set in Klausenburg, Romania. Major spoilers, so be warned.

  • Day of the Beast Keeper’s Diary 03

    This installment covers Chapter 5 (“The Thing in the Well”) of the campaign (set in Boston). Major spoilers, so be warned.

  • Day of the Beast Keeper’s Diary 02

    This installment of the Keeper’s Diary covers chapters three and four (New York and London) of the campaign. Major spoilers for the upcoming chapters, so be warned.

  • Day of the Beast Keeper’s Diary 01

    Here are some of my thoughts on the first two chapters of Day of the Beast (Corbis Wood and the Black Hills), how they are designed, how I ran them, and how the players handled things. There are major spoilers for these and future chapters, so be warned.